Student activity report

      Student activity report

        Article summary

        The student activity report contains a rich set of data that you can use to supercharge the use of Sparx Maths in your school. It can be downloaded via Reporting > Downloadable Reports

        You can build a report for the data and timeframe that you're interested in

        When you click Create report, you'll be asked to choose the categories of data that you want to include, and the timeframe for which you wish to generate the report (defaults to the current academic year).

        The student activity report reports by week. It's not possible to generate a report for a time period of less than a week. When you select a start and end date for the report, we'll include data for the full weeks that encompass your selected dates.

        Data categories explained

        Adding more data categories will mean that the report takes longer to generate. The report can also take longer to generate later in the school year when there's more data to process. If you're a larger school and generate a report containing all data categories towards the end of the school year, the report could take up to 2 minutes to generate.

        All reports contain a set of default data

        We'll always include each student's first name, surname, class, year group and registration group in the report.

        We'll also include data about students' Compulsory, XP Boost and Target homework completion both weekly and in aggregate for your selected timeframe. We'll also include each student's Homework Difficulty Level, and the homework type and default homework length that's set for them, and for each weekly homework we'll include the date and time at which they completed their homework.

        You can optionally include rewards data

        If you select the rewards data category, we'll include data about the XP that students have earned both weekly and in aggregate for your selected timeframe. In aggregate, we'll include a breakdown of XP earned, so you can see whether they've earned it via their compulsory or optional homework, or via Independent Learning. We'll also include data about students' Sparx Maths reward levels.

        You can optionally include additional student data

        If you select the additional student data category, we'll include the following data in the report:

        • PP*: Shows whether the student is in receipt of Pupil Premium (Y) or not (N). '-' means that we weren't able to retrieve this data for the student.
        • FSM*: Shows whether the student is in receipt of Free School Meals (Y) or not (N). '-' means that we weren't able to retrieve this data for the student.
        • EAL*: Shows whether the student uses English as an Additional Language (Y) or not (N). '-' means that we weren't able to retrieve this data for the student.
        • Gender: Shows the student's gender as Male (M), Female (F) or Other (O). '-' means that we weren't able to retrieve this data for the student.

        * these data can only be included when:

        • Your school uses MIS integration (we retrieve this data from your school's MIS)
        • Your school's Wonde administrator has granted Sparx access to this data (if we've been granted access to some, but not all data, we'll include the data that we're able to)

        We don't include SEND data in the report. The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) consider such data to be 'special category data', which needs more protection than other categories of data.

        To retrieve this data from your school's MIS, store it in our databases and display it in your Sparx Maths site and any related reporting, we would have to demonstrate a significant need, and we'd need to ask all schools to agree to updated privacy terms.

        You can optionally include teacher names

        If you select the teacher names category, we'll include the name(s) of any teachers associated with a class, where we list classes.

        How to interpret the report

        Aggregate vs. weekly data

        Data under the Data for date range section of the report are aggregated across your chosen date range. We'll include homework data for the full weeks that encompass your selected dates.

        Data under the Week <number> sections of the report are grouped relevant to the week in which the homework was handed out. 

        Understanding homework completion data

        Data for date range

        • Compulsory % (on-time): The % of compulsory homeworks set for the student that were 100% complete by the homework due date/time.
        • Compulsory % (all-time): The % of compulsory homeworks set for the student that are 100% complete now.
        • Compulsory % (average): The average completion % for all compulsory homeworks set for the student (regardless of whether or not they are 100% complete).
        • XP Boost %: The % of {{glossary.XP Boost}} homeworks set for the student that are 100% complete now.
        • Target %: The % of {{glossary.Target}} homeworks set for the student that are 100% complete now.

        Weekly data

        • Total IL: The total amount of time that the student spent completing questions in Independent Learning during this week.
        • C(OT): The % of this week's compulsory homework that the student completed by the homework due date/time.
        • C(AT):The % of this week's compulsory homework that the student has completed.
        • XPB: The % of this week's XP Boost homework that the student has completed.
        • T: The % of this week's Target homework that the student has completed.
        • XP: The amount of XP that the student earned this week (considers all homework types and Independent Learning).

        Note that if a student has attempted questions but got them all incorrect, their completion will show as 0%. 

        If you're cross-referencing the report against 'non-starter' insights on the Department Dashboard or in the weekly emails that we send to Senior Leaders, Heads of Department and Sparx Leaders, bear in mind that these insights exclude students that have attempted questions but got them all incorrect. 

        Your spreadsheet software may display rounded data

        If you notice discrepancies between weekly and aggregate data, this is likely to be due to rounding. If you click on individual numbers in the report, you'll be able to see that original (non-rounded) numbers.

        Data are also aggregated by class, registration group and year group

        Most data available under the By student tab of the report are also available aggregated by class, registration group and year group. See the corresponding tabs of the report.

        Homework completion data in the By class tab reflects class memberships as they stood during each homework week.
        We take this approach so that the homework history for a class is not affected by class membership changes. The By registration group and By year group tabs reflect current group memberships. This means that data shown on the By class tab will not necessarily match with data shown in other tabs due to historical class membership changes.

        Getting the most out of the student activity report

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