How does Sparx Maths approach accessibility?

      How does Sparx Maths approach accessibility?

        Article summary

        At Sparx Maths, we aim to make our software as accessible as possible and inclusive for all our users. We’ve added specific features in the student-facing software aimed at helping users access our content.

        Whilst we are striving to ensure Sparx Maths works well for everyone, we encourage you to get in touch with us at should you have any specific questions or needs that you would like to discuss, after reading the information below. 

        Ways that we help to make Sparx Maths accessible

        Built-in accessibility tools

        Sparx Maths has some in-built tools that can help with certain accessibility needs. These are as follows: 

        Image Zoom

        Where images are used in Sparx Maths, they can be clicked on to enlarge and zoomed in on using the controls at the top left-hand corner of the page.

        Keyboard Shortcuts

        Sparx Maths can be navigated using just the keyboard by using the tab key to move through the different links on the page, you can also use Shift-Tab to go back to the previous link. Selected actions can then be performed using the Space or Enter key to submit. 

        Video captions/Subtitles

        English captions can be turned on or off for videos where available. To enable or disable them, you can click on the three vertical dots button in the video player and click the ‘Captions’ menu item.

        Browser functions and third-party extensions/tools

        Sparx Maths has been designed to work with zoom tools that are built into most modern web browsers. Zoom functions are normally available from a ‘view’ menu or by using keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl/Cmd & +/- 

        The following Google Chrome extensions may be useful for visually impaired users or those with Dyslexia. 

        Please note that all resources in the list are provided for your information only. We have no control over the contents of those resources and provide no warranty, express and implied in respect of their functionality or otherwise.

        Contrast and colour schemes

        Students can turn on colour overlays in Sparx Maths which may help their eye comfort or allow them to read questions more easily. They can select between different colour overlays using the Settings page.

        Alternatively, this extension lets you change or invert the colour scheme to help make web pages easier to read for those with visual impairments.


        This extension changes all typefaces used to the ‘OpenDyslexic’ typeface, which has been developed to be easier for people with dyslexia to read. 

        Please note that whilst we have tested this extension with Sparx Maths, some maths symbol characters may not display quite as intended.

        Vision - support for colour blindness

        Vision provides solutions to some of the everyday problems experienced by colour-blind people. People with various types of colour deficiency could benefit from the use of Vision software including those affected by Tritanopia (blue colour vision deficiency), Deuteranopia (green), and Protanopia (red). 

        Also, see the section above on contrast and colour schemes.

        Using Sparx Maths on different devices such as tablets and smartphones etc

        If using Sparx Maths on a mobile, tablet, or another device, we recommend consulting your device’s in-built support for different accessibility options. 

        You can find a series of easy-to-follow ‘how to' guides to make your device easier to use on this website: 

        Accessibility Questions and Answers

        What does Sparx Maths do to cater for different accessibility needs?

        Blind & Visually Impaired users

        Sparx Maths can be navigated by using the keyboard and a list of keyboard shortcuts is available. Screen readers may have difficulty interpreting our Maths symbol rendering.

        Sparx Maths is appropriate for colour-blind students (see below), but is not currently set up for other visual impairments. Adding this functionality is certainly something we wish to develop in the near future. If you have students with particular requirements please let us know at as this information will help us improve Sparx Maths for students with visual impairments

        Colour Vision Deficiencies (CVD)

        Colours chosen within Sparx Maths should always provide enough contrast for any users with CVD to still be able to differentiate between them. Also, please see the section above on contrast and colour schemes. If you find any issues related to this area please get in touch to let us know. 


        Typefaces used within Sparx Maths may sometimes cause issues for users with Dyslexia. Whilst we do not currently have a way of changing the font within the software, the ‘OpenDyslexic’ [link -]  Google Chrome extension can be used to change all fonts to a Dyslexia-friendly font (however please note that some maths symbol characters may not display quite as intended). 

        Hearing Impairment

        All videos within Sparx Maths contain captions which are turned on by default. If you find any errors with video captions please get in touch.

        How can I change Sparx to make it more accessible for my students?

        You can use some in-built tools within Sparx Maths itself and/or add applicable Google Chrome extensions to help with certain accessibility needs 

        How can I install the recommended Chrome extensions?

        You can find a guide on how to install Chrome extensions here 

        How do I change my iOS or Android device to suit different accessibility needs?

        We recommend using the easy-to-follow guides on this website 

        Can I print homework for a student?

        Due to the nature of how Sparx Maths algorithm works - assessing the speed at which students work through their homework for instance, in order to know how to deliver them personalised questions and homework length, the questions need to be worked through live on the system, and printed homework is not available.

        What is Sparx Maths doing to support different accessibility needs in the future?

        We are always striving to improve the accessibility of Sparx Maths and work closely with our users to understand their needs. If you have specific needs that you would like to discuss please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at

        Does Sparx Maths work with screen readers?

        Most screen readers require that text selection is allowed. We disable this capability by default, to discourage students from copy and pasting questions into services that could answer homework questions for them. If you'd like us to enable this capability for individual students that use screen readers, please contact us

        Some of my students struggle with bookwork checks. Can they be turned off?

        In exceptional circumstances (for example, SEND students for whom bookwork checks prevent the completion of homework), we can turn off bookwork checks for individual students. If you'd like to discuss this options with us, please get in touch at

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