Checking Sparx Maths has access to student email addresses (using the connection to your MIS)

      Checking Sparx Maths has access to student email addresses (using the connection to your MIS)

        Article summary

        This guidance is intended for schools planning on using Single-Sign-On (SSO) via your MIS, where students log in to Sparx Maths with their school Microsoft or Google account.
        For more information on SSO in Sparx Maths, see Setting up Single Sign-On (SSO)

        Once we have access to your student's email addresses via your MIS, you can check whether there are any problems with the data that we’re receiving via your school’s Getting Started Steps on your Dashboard (also accessible via the Support Centre button at the top-right of the screen):

        Step 1: 

        Expand the School setup > Single Sign-On (login with Google or Microsoft) section. If there's no message stating Problems found, then we haven't detected any problems and you can proceed with your SSO setup.

        Step 2: 

        If you're seeing the Problems found message, then we'll show you up to two warning messages explaining what the problems are. These will be:

          • You have students that are missing email addresses
          • You have students whose email address domain doesn't match your school's SSO domain*
          • In both of these cases, affected students won't be able to log in to Sparx Maths using SSO

        Step 3: 

        If there are problems, you can download a report which shows you exactly which students are affected.

        Step 4: 

        You'll need to correct any problems in your MIS. Note that any changes that you make in your MIS may take up to 24 hours to reflect in Sparx Maths

        * The most common reason for this is where parent emails have been stored in the student contact details field in your MIS. You or your MIS administrator will need to change this in your MIS if you want to use SSO in your school

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