Adding and updating classes/students (using the connection to your MIS)

      Adding and updating classes/students (using the connection to your MIS)

        Article summary

        • You won't be able to import your classes until your school's MIS is set up. For example, at the start of the new academic year, you will need to wait for your MIS administrator to set up classes.

        • Students can only be in one class in Sparx Maths

        • When using an MIS connection, it's not possible to create student accounts manually in Sparx Maths (for example, for demo purposes)

        1. Choosing classes to import

        • Go to Class Manager under More on the left of your screen

        • Click the Import & Manage Classes button

        • We will show your Maths classes by default, and you can easily search to find other classes

        • Tick the classes that you’d like to use Sparx Maths, and then click the arrow in the middle to move them over to the right-hand side.

        • When you’re ready to import your selected classes, click the Preview changes button.

        2. Checking the import

        You will now see a preview of the changes that will be made in Sparx Maths if you proceed with the import, including:

        • Which classes will be added

        • Whether any new students will be added 

        • Whether any previous students will be reinstated

          • Reinstated students are students that were using Sparx Maths in a previous academic year, and that your school’s MIS is reporting as being still on roll. For these students, we’ll reinstate their existing Sparx Maths account - they’ll be able to log in using their existing username and password, and their data (such as their XP total) will be retained. 

        Check the students being imported match your class lists.

        If you are seeing students who are no longer on roll, for example, it's possible your school's MIS is not yet set up for the new year.

        • When you’re ready to proceed, click the Sync changes button.

        3. Resolving Conflicts

        A student can only belong to one class in Sparx Maths. If you try to import multiple classes and a single student belongs to more than one of those classes you won’t be able to proceed with the import until you tell us which class to place the student into, in Sparx Maths. To do this, view the conflicts and choose the preferred class for each student.

        Once all conflicts are resolved, you’ll be able to proceed with the import.

        4. Adding or removing classes after the start of the academic year

        There may be times when you need to add or remove classes. The process for doing so is the same as importing your classes at the beginning of the academic year.

        5. Manual Syncing

        Most changes made to classes and students in your school’s MIS will automatically be synced with Sparx Maths overnight, every night. For example:

        • If a student has been added to a class

        • If a student has moved classes

        • If a student’s name has changed

        If you need a change made in your school’s MIS to reflect in Sparx Maths more quickly, you can perform a manual sync without making any changes to your class selections. Simply go to the Import & Manage Classes screen and click the Preview changes button straight away. If you are happy with the Preview, then press Sync changes.

        Please note it could still take up to four hours for the changes to reflect in Sparx Maths if you use this manual sync option.

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