Homework completion report

      Homework completion report

        Article Summary

        Homework Completion Reports can be found in the Reports tab and contain data that you can use to support the use of Sparx in your school. If you are completely new to Homework Completion Reports take a look at our intro video:


        You can use the following videos to help explore completion rates for students and classes:

        To find a general overview of which students in a class, year group, or registration group didn’t finish their homework on time for the last few weeks:

        Find out which students in a class, year group, or registration group didn’t finish their homework on time last week:

        Get a ranked list of students, classes, or year groups by Compulsory completion rates:

        What data is included in the report?

        1. Student contextual data

        • The student's first name, surname, class, year group and registration group are displayed per the data that we hold for the student in Sparx

        2. Student demographic data

        • When generating a homework completion report, you'll be given the option to include student demographic data. Student demographic data can only be included when: 
          • Your school uses MIS integration (we retrieve this data from your school's MIS)
          • Your school's Wonde administrator has granted Sparx access to this data (if we've been granted access to some, but not all data, we'll include the data that we're able to)
        • Student demographic data shows in the 'By student' view and includes:
          • PP: Shows whether the student is in receipt of Pupil Premium (Y) or not (N). '-' means that we weren't able to retrieve this data for the student.
          • FSM: Shows whether the student is in receipt of Free School Meals (Y) or not (N). '-' means that we weren't able to retrieve this data for the student.
          • EAL: Shows whether the student uses English as an Additional Language (Y) or not (N). '-' means that we weren't able to retrieve this data for the student.
          • Gender: Shows the student's gender as Male (M), Female (F) or Other (O). '-' means that we weren't able to retrieve this data for the student. 
        We don't currently include SEND data in these reports as it is handled differently under GDPR.

        3. Homework completion data

        • Year to date
          • Compulsory % (on-time): The % of Compulsory homeworks set for the student or group, set within the indicated date range that were 100% complete by the homework due date/time.
          • Compulsory % (all-time): The % of Compulsory homeworks for the student or group, set within the indicated date range that are 100% complete now. 
          • XP Boost %: The % of XP Boost homeworks for the student or group, set within the indicated date range that are 100% complete now.
          • Target %: The % of Target homeworks for the student or group, set within the indicated date range that are 100% complete now.
        • Weekly
          • 'By student' view:
            • C: Compulsory homework completion status for the week. Shows as a percentage if completion is less than 100%, as ✔ if completion is 100%, or as '-' if the student was given optional-only homework this week.
            • XPB: XP Boost homework completion status for the week. 
            • T: Target homework completion status for the week. 
          • 'By class', 'By registration group' and 'By year group' views:
            • Total HWs: The number of compulsory homeworks that were set for students in this group, for the week. Note that Total HWs can differ from the number of students in the group, if some students were set optional only homework or if there have been class membership changes since the homework was set.
            • C(OT): Compulsory % (on-time). The % of all Compulsory homeworks set for the group that week that were 100% complete by due date/time.
            • C(AT): Compulsory % (all-time). The % of all Compulsory homeworks set for the group that week that are 100% complete now.
            • XPB: XP Boost %. The % of all XP Boost homeworks set for the group that week that are 100% complete now. 
            • T: Target %. The % of all Target homeworks set for the group that week that are 100% complete now. 

        4. Student rewards data

        • All Time
          • Level: Current Sparx XP Level. Calculated from the total XP the student has accrued. Reflects the effort that the student has invested in completing their Sparx work (students earn an XP Level for every 10,000 XP they collect).
          • XP to next level: the amount of XP that the student needs to earn to reach the next XP Level.
        • Year to Date
          • 'By student' view: 
            • Total XP: Total XP earned by the student so far this academic year. Note: Any XP earned will remain on a student’s account into next academic year.
          • 'By class', 'By registration group' and 'By year group' views:
            • Average XP: Average of the group's total XP earned so far this academic year.
        • Weekly
          • 'By student' view:
            • XP: Total XP earned by the student during the calendar week commencing the date displayed in the column header. This is from all packages including Independent Learning
          • 'By class', 'By registration group' and 'By year group' views:
            • XP: The average of XP earned by students in the group for the week. 
          • General:
            • If your homework hand-out and hand-in days don't fall within the same week, the XP that a student earns when completing their homework could be accrued against different weeks.
            • As an example, if a class's hand-out day is Wednesday, and the hand-in day is the following Tuesday, a student completing homework on the hand-out day (Wednesday) will accrue XP against the homework hand-out week. If they complete the homework on the following Monday, they will accrue XP against the following week.
            • For Classroom schools, XP earned in lessons is included in the report.
            • In some circumstances (for example in schools that use Classroom, and where Sparx lessons start running before your school's homework start date) XP may start being accrued before the homework year begins. In these cases, XP will be accrued against the 'Prior' column in the report.

        5. Aggregate views and class memberships

        • Homework completion data in the "By class" view reflects class memberships as they stood during each homework week. We take this approach so that the homework history for a class is not affected by class membership changes.
        • The "By registration group" and "By year group" views reflect current group memberships.
        • This means that data shown on the "By class" view will not necessarily match with data shown in other views due to historical class membership changes.

        6. How to filter data in the report

        Some tips for filtering data once you have downloaded your report:

        • Use the dropdown arrows to the right of each column header to filter the rows
        • Hide entire rows and/or columns that you are not interested in, in order to see a more streamlined view.
          • To hide a column, right-click on the column letter(s) e.g. column D, or D-G then select Hide column(s).
          • To hide a row, do the same, but right-click on the row number e.g. row 7.

        The homework completion report deals with completion (i.e. task items answered correctly), so you won't see a difference between not started at all vs attempted with all incorrect answers. Please refer to the Hand-In page to see students who have not started their homework.



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