What does 'seek help' mean?
What does 'seek help' mean?
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Students are encouraged to 'Seek help' if they are really struggling with a question
If a student answers a question incorrectly six times and has watched the support video as prompted, this Seek help message will automatically appear
We want to avoid students hitting a wall, getting frustrated and giving up on their homework. We've found if students can move on from a question like this and come back to it, they'll be more likely to go on to complete their homework by the deadline.
Note: the student can reattempt the question at any time by clicking on the question as normal.
You can view Seek help alerts on the Hand-in page of your Sparx site
You can see how many Seek Help alerts a student has on their homework on the Alerts column of the Hand in Page.
You can then click on the completion progress bar to view their Answer history and find the specific questions they're struggling with.
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