What are XP and Levels?
Every time a student completes a task, they earn Sparx Maths Experience Points (XP)
Students can earn XP for the following:
Compulsory homework | Up to 420 |
Compulsory completion bonus | 50 |
Swaps remaining | 25 (per swap remaining) |
Bookwork accuracy | Up to 50 |
XP Boost homework | 405 |
Target homework | 135 |
Independent Learning | 20 (per task) |
Times Tables in Independent Learning | 1 (per correct question) |
Click here to learn more about these different homework types.
Students reach a new level for every 1,000 XP they earn
Students who complete all of their Compulsory homeworks should achieve about 5,000 every 10 weeks. When a student achieves a new XP level, they will be notified. They will also be able to view their current and recently achieved XP levels from their Rewards page. We will also inform parents if a student has recently levelled-up in the weekly update email we send them (if Parent Emails are turned on).
Milestone levels
In September 2024 we introduced milestone XP levels. These milestones give a different sense of reward to students as they achieve higher XP levels.
Milestone levels can also be used to form part of a school's reward systems and the certificates you can generate in your Sparx site make use of the milestone levels.
The milestone levels are:
- Levels divisible by 5
- Levels divisible by 25
- Levels divisible by 100
Note: The higher milestone level will take precedence if a level meets more than one criterion.
You can view a student's XP and Levels within your Sparx site
Students' XP and their level can be viewed on the XP Report, Student Activity Report, the Department tab on the dashboard, Certifcate History tab and the Hand-in Summary Shout-outs.
- Toview a breakdown of XP earned and compare selected groups or all students, use the XP Report which you can access from the Reporting page. The report is also downloadable.
- Click here to learn more about the XP Report page.
You can also view how much XP a student has earned in a given timeframe by using the leaderboards that are available in your teacher site. You can find out more information here