Student Manager Page

      Student Manager Page

        Article summary

        View student details by class or year group

        • Go to More > Student Manager
        • At the top left of the screen, you can select which class or year group to view
        • In your student list, you can see the name and class of each student and:
          • Homework Type
          • Homework Level, including whether it has been set automatically or manually
          • Login Status 
          • Onboarding Status - Not Started, In Progress or Completed

        Viewing and editing a student's details

        Click on a student's row or the pencil icon to view and edit more detailed information about each student, including:

        Personal Details

        • View name, date of birth, gender, and email address.
        • If you are using an MIS integration these details will not be editable in Sparx. Any changes will need to be made in your MIS.

        Parent Emails

        • View the parent/carer email addresses we have for the student.
        • If you are using an MIS integration these details will not be editable in Sparx. Any changes will need to be made in your MIS.
        • See our article Adding parent/carer emails for more information

        Class Details

        • View class membership.
        • If you are using an MIS integration these details will not be editable in Sparx. Any changes will need to be made in your MIS.

        Homework Details

        • View or change the type of homework set for the individual student.
        • Here is how changing the homework type for a student will interact with the settings at the Class level:
        Student set to
        Class set to
        Student will get
        30 minute homework
        30 minute homework
        30 minute homework
        Optional Only
        Optional Only
        Optional Only
        Optional Only

        Sparx login details

        To eliminate the need for password resetting, get Single-Sign on set up in your school. Find out more in our article: Setting up single sign-on

        Sparx access

        Here you will be able to see: 

        • If your student has set their account up yet via username and password method - it will say Account Set Up
        • Onboarding status
        • You can see when they last logged in
        If a student has only ever logged in via SSO, their Sparx Login Status will show as Pending Setup but you will see a 'Last Login At' time and date.

        Onboarding status explained:

        Not StartedIn ProgressCompleted
        Student has not yet started their onboarding process and will not be able to access their HWThey have started their onboarding but have not completed all 3 sections (only task 1 is compulsory)They have completed all 3 sections of their onboarding

        You can find out more about onboarding students on our article Explaining Sparx Maths to your students

        Viewing a student's Summary information

        • Compulsory homework - how many Compulsory homeworks a student has done or has not done.
        • Sparx XP gained - total number of XP for the current academic year
        • Homework history by week:
        Note: the count of homeworks completed on this page will update whenever a student finishes a homework, even if that is after the hand-in day.

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