How do I share my feedback or suggestions about Sparx Maths?
You can share your feedback and suggestions on the feedback board
We love your feedback and suggestions! Our teachers have amazing ideas about how we can make Sparx Maths better. We receive 100s of ideas per month and review every single one - many influence the improvements we make to Sparx Maths.
You can share your feedback via the feedback board in your Sparx Maths site. To access the board, click on your user menu, then on Feedback & suggestions.
To share your feedback, enter a title and description, then click Share feedback. You can also attach a screenshot, if you want to.
You can vote and comment on other teachers’ feedback and suggestions
Voting on feedback tells us that you'd like to see that thing happen. We use numbers of votes to help us to understand what the Sparx Maths community feels is most important. To vote on someone else's feedback, click on the vote count next to the post.
If you have some additional insight to share on a suggestion that somebody else has already made, you can comment on their post.
You can find out when we start working on your suggestions
When we start working on a suggestion, we'll mark it as in progress. We may sometimes invite you to take part in user research and pilots if you've voted on the suggestion.
Your historical feedback may have been added to the feedback board automatically
If you’ve shared feedback with us since February 2023 (e.g. via a support ticket, a feedback survey or a conversation with your school’s Success Coach), it’s likely that this feedback will have been added to the feedback board, and a vote added to that feedback on your behalf. This helps to ensure that we're able to stay in touch with you about these things if we start working on them. If you're no longer interested in a suggestion, you can remove your vote by clicking on the vote count against the relevant post, on the board.
You may receive automated emails about your feedback
When you submit feedback or vote on somebody else’s feedback, you’ll automatically be signed up to receive update emails about that feedback (e.g. if we start working on a suggestion, you’ll receive an email to let you know). You can unsubscribe from these emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the emails.
The new feedback board is powered by a service called Canny. Update emails that we send about the feedback that you submit/vote on, or votes we have added on your behalf will come via their site.