Homework Statistics page

      Homework Statistics page

        Article summary

        This page shows the year group and class-level homework completion rates for the last 6 weeks, as well as the overall average for the selected year vs. all other year groups in the school (total completion and at hand-in). We only consider a homework to be complete once the student has answered 100% of questions correctly.

        Select the relevant class from the dropdown menu at the top of the page to see class-level homework completion statistics for a given group.

        The graphs on the Homework Statistics page separately display all three homework types: Compulsory, XP Boost and Target, allowing you to compare and contrast hand-in rates for the following:

        • all secondary year groups, whilst seeing the School Average
        • all classes within a specific year, whilst seeing the Year Group Average

        This will enable you to:

        • easily compare legacy or on-time completion for the academic year to date
        • display weekly report information and break this down by year group
        • access accurate and up-to-date meaningful insights at all times.


        The data on this page may be different to the data that you see in the Student Activity Report and on the Hand-in Page. This is usually because this page includes students that were a member of the class/year group at the time that each homework was set, whereas the Student Activity Report and Hand-in Page only includes the current members of each class. 

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