Getting a ranked list of students, classes, or year groups by compulsory completion rates

      Getting a ranked list of students, classes, or year groups by compulsory completion rates

        Article summary

        1. Create a student activity report for the timeframe that you're interested in, ensuring to include Homework completion data category

        2. Go to the By student, By class, By registration group or By year group tab of the report, depending on which group type you wish to see a ranked list for

        3. Decide which completion type you want to rank by:
          1. The Compulsory % (on-time)column allows you to rank groups by students that completed 100% of their homework by the due date/time, for your chosen timeframe.
          2. The Compulsory % (all-time)column allows you to rank groups by students that have completed 100% of their homework for your chosen timeframe (regardless of whether it was completed by the due date/time).
          3. The Compulsory % (average) column allows you to rank groups by the average amount of homework that students have completed.
        4. Use the drop down in the relevant column header and choose Descending under the Sort section and click Apply filter

        5. Your list of groups will now be ranked by your chosen column in descending order

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