Can I set additional work on top of weekly homework?

      Can I set additional work on top of weekly homework?

        Article Summary

        The purpose of Sparx is to set a regular weekly homework that includes recently taught topics (around 60%) and Consolidation topics (around 40%) from previous weeks. The personalisation element of Sparx means that students are seeing content that is most suitable for them each week without you the teacher needing to differentiate work for your whole class. 

        If you feel that setting additional work on top of the regular weekly homework would be beneficial to your students then consider the following ideas:

        • Ask your students to do some or all of their XP Boost or Target homework: these homework types are also personalised to the individual students, and completion can be tracked on the Hand in Page
        • Extend the homework length so students get more benefit from the personalised mix of recent and consolidation topics
        • Direct students to Independent Learning where you can either tell them which topics to work on or they can choose their own. Remember that Independent Learning is not personalised so consider the above two options first

        If you want to see what topics students could be directed to take a look at the Sparx Topic Lists

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