Assessments & Revision page
The Assessments & Revision page gives you access to the Sparx assessments that are available as part of the Sparx Maths Curriculum, along with additional functionality for the in-product QLAs, fluency follow up task and problem solving insights.
Here you can view the assessments where the in-product QLA functionality is available. Clicking Assessment Resources will take you to the Sparx Curriculum page, where you can download the assessment and markscheme, as well as a revision booklet (please note - downloadable revision booklets are only available for the three termly assessments). Clicking on Assessment Overview will take you to the marksheet view for the QLA.
On top of the downloadable revision workbooks, a revision task can be turned on for each class assessment (except for the Y7 Baseline Assessment).
Once this has been turned on, the student will be able to choose between homework and revision.
In this task, students will be able to work through a series of questions on each of the topics included in the assessment.
Assessment - MarksheetHere you can view all of the assessment data that has been entered for each student in the selected view (either Class or Year). The topic names and average marks for each question will show along the top, and each box will have the assessment marks that have been entered. Clicking on Enter Data at the top left of the screen will allow you to edit/enter any assessment data for the selected class. This gives you options including marking students as absent from the assessment, and let's you enter the mark for each question, as well as unattempted when appropriate.
Assessment - Reports
The reports tab will give you a question by question breakdown of average marks for Class, Year or individual student. The units covered in the assessment are also broken down into fluency questions and problem solving questions. At the top of the screen there are also options to download a printable report of assessment results that can be given to students, as well as downloading a CSV of assessment score information.
Follow up - Fluency Fix Up
The Fluency Fix Up is a task that you can create for your class, which will give students the opportunity to work on any fluency questions from the assessment that they got incorrect. As a teacher, you will have a view that shows you how many questions are set for each student, how many they've attempted and whether they have completed it. At the top of the screen, you will then have the option to turn this off again, so that students will no longer see it to work on. The section below explains the experience for students.
The next time students log in, they'll be given the option to view assessments, which will show the results from the assessment, and a button to begin working on the fix up questions. Students will have access to the support videos for each question, and will be able to see in real time the progress they are making through the task.
Follow up - Problem solving insights
The problem solving insights provides a resource which highlights the problem solving questions that your class struggled with the most. It provides how many students got the question wrong on the assessment, as well as the actual question from the paper, and shadow questions from Sparx Maths to run through with your class.